5 DIY Ideas for Spring Cleaning and Décor

After a long winter, spring is finally here! It’s time to celebrate a time of renewal and (hopefully!) warmer weather. Spring cleaning is not a new concept by any means, but there are new clever cleaning hacks released every year. The commencement of spring is the perfect time to refresh your interior and up your décor game. Go beyond the classic closet organizer ideas, and get down to the nitty gritty this spring. We’ve compiled a list of the top five cleaning and décor hacks to give your home a spring-inspired makeover. From brand new wall art to a sparkling clean work space, this is the ultimate guide to springtime DIYs and organizing ideas.

Use Lemon on Water Stains

Cleaning stains in the kitchen usually requires a standard surface cleaner or some simple soap and water. But, how do you polish off those pesky water stains? Stains cause by splashes of water in the sink or on dishware can be tricky to clean. After all, it was water that caused the marks in the first place. When you can’t clean with water, you have to find a unique alternative. Luckily, lemon has proven to be very effective against water stains! Simply cut a lemon and rub the inside of the fruit gently on the stains. Voila! (Speaking of lemons, they also make for stunning wall art!)

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Citrus Lemon Botanical Multi Panel Canvas Wall Art

Turn Your Bathroom from Cluttered to Chic

Your bathroom should be a place for relaxing and winding down. The appearance of your bathroom can greatly affect your mood. The first step is to get rid of any visible clutter. Spas look serene for a reason, and they are often decorated minimally to promote the flow of positive energy. Take a cue from some of the most relaxing places on earth, and play with different storage methods to make your product placement look intentional rather than chaotic. Use a small wooden ladder to set your skin care and bath products, or build your own minimalist shelving unit. Finally, give your bathroom a deep clean with vinegar and water for an easy (but effective) solution.

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Aromatic Spa Multi Panel Canvas Wall Art

Deep Clean Your Desk

Now that most of us have been working from home for quite a while, it’s high time we reorganize our workspace. Place a shelving unit next to your guest to keep your desk free from unnecessary items and papers. Use this as your main storage space, and leave the surface of your desk empty (save for the essentials.) You can also use baskets to store paperwork that you need to keep, but don’t need access to on a daily basis.

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Spring Cleaning tips

Dust Fake Flowers – Or Get Real Ones!

Fake houseplants tend to collect a lot of dust, so you should take the time go over each leaf and petal with a Swiffer cloth. If you don’t have a Swiffer cloth on hand, a fuzzy sock will do the trick! You can also swap your fake flora for fresh-cut flowers that are in season. Fresh flowers are a must this spring, and there are plenty of stunning varieties starting to bloom.

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Romantic Afternoon Light II Spice Multi Panel Canvas Wall Art

Put Your Fancy Dishes to Good Use

Speaking of flowers, put your fancy dishware to good use by displaying live blossoms. Take your dishes that you use for special occasions, and give them a chance to shine! Chances are, they’ve been sitting up in your cabinets, rarely used. Take a crystal glass and use it as vase for your new bouquet. You can also use fancy bowls for potpourri. For a truly unique idea, fill one of your occasion bowls with water and add floating flowers for an ethereal décor idea.

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Spring cleaning tips

Spring Cleaning Ideas

Apply these organizing ideas and start your spring cleaning ASAP so you can sit back and enjoy the rest of the season. You’ll be glad you got the purging and polishing out of the way, and soon you can show off your new space! When we’re finally allowed to hosts guests, your home will already be fit for friends and family to enjoy. Spring forward into a season full of new discoveries and fresh experiences. It’s imperative to keep a clean house in order to promote inner-happiness and relaxation. Once you’ve conquered the progress of organizing your belongings, you can focus on the fun of redecorating your space!

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